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Prayer Request Line

Public·41 members

Good morning regardless of how many times we have made goals and then failed to keep them. Goals are important for our spiritual development. Just think it is the discipline (goal setting) of daily prayer and Bible study that causes us to grow spiritually. It is these goals that causes us to become more like Jesus.

In fact, even God set goals. Look at Ephesians 1:9 says “God has revealed to us His mysterious will regarding Christ which is to fulfill His own good plan (goal) And this is the plan: At the right time He will bring everything together under the authority of Christ; everything in heaven and on earth.”

It was God’s goal to bring all people to Himself through accepting Christ’s death & resurrection as payment their sin.

Verse 12 & 13 then lays out His goal. That all men will be brought to salvation, praise, glory & freedom in Christ, and ultimately our home in heaven together with God the father, Son, Spirit, and all those who received His gift of heaven.

For the next couple of days we will look at the guidelines and benefits of spiritual goal setting.

See ya soon and remember He & I love you and He has big plans for your life.

14 Oca 2022



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