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L.O.V.E. (Let Our Voices Encourage) Devotions

Public·20 members

The Purifying Blood

“The blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.”

1 John 1:7

Sin is an undeniable reality. Its effects can be seen every day in our lives, in our families, and in society.

Sin is the transgression of God’s law and the lack of conformity to that law.

We sin against God in our words, thoughts, and actions—and even by not doing the good we should do.

We sin because we are sinners. We were conceived and born in sin, and we live in sin. We cannot cleanse ourselves. Sin has affected our reason, emotion, and will.

All areas of our lives have been tainted by sin. No religious ritual can cleanse us from sin. Sin separates us from God, setting up a barrier that we cannot cross.

But Jesus Christ, the Son of God, has done for us what we cannot do. By his death we have life, and by his blood we have cleansing from all sin. No sin that we commit is too great for him to cover, or so bad that God cannot forgive it.

In Jesus Christ, our Savior, we have redemption—abundant, full, and free!

Lord, holy is your name. Sin does not dwell with you.

Thank you for the full and free forgiveness that Jesus’ blood has purchased for me, allowing me to be close to you. In the Savior’s name, Amen.

18 abr 2023

Oh how precious is His gift of cleansing, forgiveness & so much more, thanks for this reminder Betty

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