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L.O.V.E. (Let Our Voices Encourage) Devotions

Public·20 members

How To Keep This Summer From Ruining Your Bible Study

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens …”

Ecclesiastes 3:1

Why can’t I stay consistent in my prayer habits?

I should have figured this out by now!

What kind of a Christian am I if I can’t keep up with my Bible reading?

These shameful thoughts used to plague me at the start of every summer. I wonder if this has ever happened to you. You're going strong in your Bible-reading plan or in your daily prayer habits, but an unexpected change throws you off your carefully crafted rhythm …

Maybe it’s work schedule changes, children’s school break, elderly parents coming to live with you, overtime due to co-workers’ vacation requests, or even moving to a new state. Whenever we experience life change, our spiritual rhythms will inevitably change too.

But God knows we will experience different seasons in our lives — because He wove the changing seasons into the fabric of creation (Genesis 8:22).

Our changing schedules do not surprise God, nor should they surprise us. Scripture tells us, “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens” (Ecclesiastes 3:1).

So what if, instead of fighting our changing schedules in order to “stay consistent” with what worked in the past, we embrace changes as new seasons to experience God’s loving presence in a new way? After all, “He has made everything beautiful in its time” (Ecclesiastes 3:11a).

Perhaps the change that’s causing you frustration is God’s invitation to a transformation. What a gift!

This summer, let’s embrace the changing season and look for new ways to experience God’s presence in our everyday lives.

If you usually wake up early to pray … consider adding prayer breaks throughout your day, setting an alarm at regular intervals to pray.

If you usually study the Bible by yourself … consider inviting family members to join you in reading the Bible together during breakfast or another mealtime.

If you usually read the Word … consider also listening to the Gospels or epistles in audio form, renewing your mind with God’s Truth.

There are so many creative ways to experience God’s presence in our lives, and the summer is a great time to try something new. Be inspired by creativity, pause to marvel at God’s creation, and embrace the slow rhythm of lazy summer days to be fully present in God’s presence.

This summer is going to look different than the spring and winter that preceded it. My Bible-reading habits will look different. My prayer habits will look different. And that's OK.

In fact, it’s more than OK. Because this invitation to change and grow in Christ — no matter the season — is worth embracing and, indeed, worth celebrating.

Thank You, Jesus, that You go before us even in seasons of change. What a gift that You take even those twists and turns and use them to reveal Yourself to us in new ways. Help us to lean into this new season and look for You in all the unexpected places so that we may discover more of You this summer. We trust You with the unknown ahead, and we’re expectant to see and enjoy You in new ways. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


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