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Pastor’s Corner

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Which country do you think produces the most vanilla in the world? Italy, Madagascar, Senegal. or France, Why not make a guess? We'll tell you the answer tomorrow.


Ecclesiasted 10:11 "Cast your bread upon the waters, For you will find it after many days."

In this section of verses (1-6) Solomon is emphasizing some advice he has found to be wise over the long run. This first word of advice is to be caring and generous to others, for the Lord will repay your generosity. One of the overlying principles that God led the farmers of Israel to do was to leave the corners of their fields ungathered, in order to allow the poor and needy to harvest these crops. This was one of the examples that God lead Israel in fulfilling this challenge, and as long as they honored Him in this way, He brought blessing to their crops.

The second principle that was spoken of here was to attempt to risk new endeavors, for it was through these challenges that the nation was built. And also His power was demonstrated to their world.

This verse also illustrate the principle of sowing the seeds of the gospel to a spiritual hungry world, for as we share the bread of life it will eventually bring a harvest of souls. Luke 16:19 "Here's a lesson: Use your worldly resources to benefit others and make friends. Then, when your possessions are gone, they will welcome you to an eternal home."

Jesus affirmed this practice in Matthew 10:8 ..."Freely you have received; therefore, freely give,"

Solomon also spoke of this practice in Proverbs 19:17 "He who gives to the poor lends to the Lord." Jesus affirmed this practice in Luke 6:38 "Give, and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full-pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you will get back."

The Lord has been faithful to us when we follow His calling, and He will in this very same way He will carry out His work through your life as well.

SO GO WITH GOD my dear one, for He will care for you. No matter the challenges in your life, if you walk with Him, and live for Him, He will care for you. Oh, my dear one rest in His almighty hand today.

Please pray for our team at Elsinore Elementary School during 1:45-3:00pm as they minister to our precious children in the Good News Club there. Please pray for an outpouring of our Fathers working on these dear ones. Please pray for David Grimshaw as he fills in for Becky and I. These children are facing life and its many challenges, please pray for those families who are respresented by them there. Also please join us in praying for our desire to reach other children and parents in that school this year.

Lindsay Winterton
brenda x
brenda x
brenda x
Jan 18

Got me on this one is it France



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