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Pastor’s Corner

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Well you all had some interesting thoughts I must admit, however the dish that promises good luck for the New Year is Hoppin' Jacks. You may be asking just what is this dish made of, well here goes. It is a mix of rice, black-eyed peas, mixed in with some type of pork, served along with collard greens and to top it off with a sweet, warm biscuit to sop up all of the yummies. Now, I'm sure your wondering just why is this considered good luck? It by the way has been on the American menu since the 1800's, and the peas represent coins and the greens represent green backs. How bout that?


Ecclesiastes 10:11 "A serpent may bite when it is not charmed; The babbler is no different"

This irony of life that Solomon is pointing out represent two things.

First, the importance of proper timing.

If you take out the snake before you begin playing the charming music you will certainly get bit, just

as sure as you will die.

Second, those who potentially speak with acidic, deadly words, must be soothed with kind, respectful words, or they will strike at the most deadly time.

The conclusion to make from this verse is to recognize that success in life comes from knowing how best to exercise the skill that God has instilled in our life, and then exercise it when it is needed. Just as in order for a charmer to work his charm, (music to subdue the serpent) we need to be aware of the way to bring charming, intellectual words forward at just the right time.

This concept is begging the question to be asked, "What good is locking the barn door after the livestock are stolen?" So the inference is, that in order for success to be experienced, timing is vitally important. Just as the comedian's skill is based on setting up the humorous thought (story) and then presenting it at just the right time to instill humor. Not honing your life skill, and then properly using it, results in waste, and failure.

So, the key to successful living goes back to proper use of our gifts, and the proper time that it is unleashed, demonstrated.

When it comes to timing, that is a very important tool, just think, Paul was being prepared for his mission for thirteen years, Moses for fourty, even Jesus was being prepared for thirty years. Zechariah 4:10 reminds us of this truth. "Despise not the days of small beginnings" .

SO GO WITH GOD for your days of seeming preparation will be your most vital times. On this side of heaven those times may seem unimportant, but on the other side we will recognize its true importance.

To Moses those days of herding, patiently caring for his flock of sheep in the wilderness seemed to be wasted time, but now we recognize the great value of those years, for he was being prepared for his vital work of delivering the Hebrew people from slavery (freedom) and becoming a royal priesthood to the unbelieving world of his day. Then ultimately preparing a proper place and time for the Savior to be brought to our world. What then of that time was a waste?


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