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Pastor’s Corner

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Can you guess what a spy does when he gets cold? Well, you guessed it, He goes, under cover. Oh oh

Saturday 11/26

Prov. 25:20 “ Singing cheerful songs to a person with a heavy heart is like taking someone’s coat in cold weather or pouring vinegar in a wound.”

The next few proverbs have as their intention to give some guidance in just how to console the fallen.

This first instruction speaks to how to use music as a comforting medicine.

While music is a powerful assistance to lift the heart, we must bear in mind the guidelines of dealing with a depressed person. Music must be administered to the heart, with slow deliberate progress. Tunes of calming & comfort, rather than militant cadence, or moving joyous tunes.

Just as when a person is cold, in order to warm them up, we should start a fire, put on a heavy coat, or blankets, then as their temperature rises slowly remove those tools. In the same way with a wound, we should administer a calming cleanser, like hydrogen peroxide, then a salve to bring soothing & healing to the wound.

David in the same way administered his calming music when King Saul was upset, angry, depressed, etc. He would play his harp in order to assist Saul to experience comfort. You will notice in the same way funeral homes play quiet, calming organ music to bring comfort & calm to those who have experienced loss.

You may be wondering just how this applies to you. First, the use of music to bring comfort is wise, and beneficial, to read verses of trust & promise from God brings comfort as well. Touches of care & concern, of anointing & calm, cleansing & soothing, as well as, putting on clothing of cleansing & warmth. All of these efforts expressing compassion & concern can bring comfort.

Notice, just how humming & lullabies, calm an agitated baby. Just last week one of our small grandchildren was with us, she was unable to sleep. After her parent proceeded to determine the basis of her agitation, she continued to cry.

First clean diapers, the calming ointment, then administered cleansing to the face, etc. then clean pajamas, but the crying continued, rocking & mild humming & that was the solution. Soon baby was fast asleep, the calming of sweet music was the solution.

This proverb is striving to instruct us on just these same ways of bringing calmness to a intense atmosphere.

So Go With God for He will administer His loving, compassionate, calming care in our life. In order for us to experience His comfort, we must stop trying to fight, or struggle, or resist His comfort, but instead rest in His care. Then He can minister to our needs. “Take my yoke upon you”. Rest can never be achieved until we stop, and surrender to His all knowing hand.

Nov 26, 2022

Our little baby Ruth, such a tired trooper on Thanksgiving Day. Her daddy provided gentle rocking and soothing humming as a sweet sacrifice to his little girl to calm her. Much like our Heavenly Father provides His Holy Spirit to us at just the right time and in just the right way when we need it for our comfort.



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