I was reminded of two people in my youth Coach & Betty Thompson my high school head coach and his wife who worked with us at church youth group, Betty passed away just last week at 91.
They were both faithful in their words both at work & at church.
Our verses today point out the influence of words in others lives.
Wicked Man’s Words
Vs 13 bring a trap to him & others
Vs 15 always think their right even when proven wrong
Vs 16 sows anger to everyone
Vs 17 intentionally lies to others
Vs 18 always insulting with words
Vs 19 covers up lies he tells
Vs 20 plots evil with words
Godly Man’s Words
Vs 13 brings freedom to others
Vs 14 always brings benefits
Vs 15 values others words & life
Vs 16 is calm even when insulted
Vs 17 truthful to a fault
Vs 18 brings healing & comfort
Vs 19 stands the test of time
Vs 20 are always planting peace
What a comparison; you can see why God states the promise of a
Vs 21 “No harm comes to the godly, but the wicked have their fill of trouble.”
So Go With God and He will bring a powerful working in the lives of
those around you.
Sorry to hear. Prayers.