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What Middle English word is shouted three times everyday at the Supreme Court? Is it Nyce; Ynough; Pryme; or is it Oyez? More tomorrow!

Monday 3/13

Prov. 28:27 "Whoever gives to the poor will lack nothing, but those who close their eyes to poverty will be cursed."

Throughout Proverbs Solomon emphasizes many principles, they aren't necessarily direct promises but are principles that when followed after, will result in either blessings or losses. This is just such a general principle, if when we are made aware of other folks in need, we should seek to assist them as we are able to.

As we look back into the Proverbs we are assured that this principle is an important one.

Look at Prov. 19:17 "If you help the poor, you are lending to the Lord-- and He will repay you."

While Prov. 22:9 says "Blessed are those who are generous, because they feed the poor."

The principle here is this; Don't give away everything you have, but do give away of your abundance, for as we give of this, He will multiply from those gifts, that we do give. So the question comes; How much blessing do you want? Just a little, then give just a little, if it is much then give a whole bunch.

As Jack Wyrtzen said many Times in his life, "Little is much when God is in it."

I can remember my mother getting mad at Dad for talking to her about someone's need, and her begrudgingly participating in helping others. But it was always apparent by the return from those helping hands, that God always returned the gift. Maybe not right away but always at the necessary time. Then my mom would say, Ben, my dad, I don't know why I doubted God, for He is always faithful.

The principle is, "You'll never lack either joy or blessings, when you work in unison with the Spirit, in your life, if you're caring for, concerned about, and giving to the needy."

It is so easy to focus on what the future may hold in our lives, and fail to have our heart & eyes open to those around us. I am convinced that we sometimes focus on the physical needy and ignore the emotional or spiritual needy of our world. I don't know about you but as I walk through this life I am sometimes overwhelmed with the emotional needs of our present world.

This hunger for emotional support evidences itself in drawn, worried, empty expressions of those around us. As we journey through life look for ways to bring blessings, encouraging words, care & compassion to those who are living in despair with no one who cares for their soul. Oh, my dear friend, lets be determined to be His light in our dark world. Begin it by smiling the expression of love & acceptance. Give it out, to others.

This verse points is to the poor, unfortunately, our thought of poor is physically needy, but the real masses that are all around us are the emotionally, spiritually needy. The predominant theme of the movie "The Jesus Revolution" was the desperate spiritual needs of that day, but the needs are even greater in our day.

We must pray, weep, mourn for the desperate people of our day. They are dressed in all sorts of costumes, lets be searching for them. They are all around us, young & old, weak & strong, hurting & hungry, for someone to care for their soul.

Begin your day by asking our loving Father to guide you to those in need today. Then go out on the hunt for those who He wants to love them through you. Don't forget "People need the LORD" THEY HAVE NO IDEA, just How much He loves them. The only way He will show them is through us. Do you see the mission? Being Christ's hands & feet to those in need of knowing that they are loved. That they have a Father who desperately cares for them, who has open arms for them, if only we will be His hands of the expressions of His love.

Shhh, don't let her know that I told you, But, Becky these past few weeks became burdened about the staff in our local vets office. She began her plan to be a blessing to them. To open her heart to them in an unusual way. I can't wait to see just How our Father will unfold His love to them through her actions. I must admit I got up even earlier this morning, laid my hands in prayer over her expression of love, I know that this will unfold her expression of His love to them in this little expression of God's love.

So Go With God then as we openly seek for Him to reach out to our world through us, He will be an ample supplier for us to be able to pass on His love to others. May we pray, "Lord Use Me" . I can't wait for us to come together whether at church or a study group for us to share in the many ways He will use you to show the love of our Father to the needy souls about us.

Lindsay Winterton
Lindsay Winterton
Mar 13, 2023

I don't know a lot about Middle English, but I'm going to guess Pryme.



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