It’s Monday and off to another exciting week. All you teachers out there. Do you know; What’s a snake’s strongest subject? Well believe it or not it’s Hisss-tory. Oh sorry for that pun.
Our meditation for today is found in Prov. 20:7 “The righteous man walks in his integrity; His children are blessed after him.”
Integrity is defined as - the adherence to a code of moral values.
Solomon tells us throughout Proverbs, why we as
believers should be concerned about walking in integrity.
1) It benefits our family
What benefits? Blessing,
prosperity, and happiness.
2) It provides direction personally
When we ask our Heavenly
Father for direction He’ll give
you counsel & guidance;
through open & closed doors
Other times through wise
believers, other times through
words in scripture.
3) Integrity protects us from sin
Sin stinks, harms & even
destroys, but integrity guards us.
Guides us away from sins traps.
4) Integrity brings mental stability
to our lives
James 1:8 warns “a double
minded man is unstable”
If we have unchanging values
our foundations regarding
truth will be unwavering.
Job 2:3 God called Job a
blameless & upright man
Job 32:6 “Let me be weighed
in an even balance , that God
may know my integrity”
That is what you call stability.
So Go With God and He will meet you in your place of decision. The saying is “When you decide, God will provide.” In other words He will provide for your life, strength as you maintain a life of integrity.