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Pastor’s Corner

Public·39 members

Happy Saturday to you, it’s the weekend my believing family.

Hey, Which company created the most cell phones in the last 1990 decade? Was it Atari, Nokia, Samsung, or IBM? Well you were right if you guessed that it was the candy-shaped Nokia and 250million people bought and used them.

Our meditation for today is found in Prov. 18:14 “The spirit of a man will sustain him in sickness, But who can bear a broken spirit?”

Hopefulness is the sign of a healthy spirit, and heart. God created our body to heal, so sickness is seen as a normal part of life.

Our Father created us with hope inside of us, a baby cry’s out in hope for its family to care for it. Whether it is a dirty diaper, or loving arms, or hungry tummy, it’s hope is in its loving family. If the family only meets its physical needs, milk, clean clothes and warm body, but fails to speak words of love and loving touches & caring words, that baby will begin to loose weight and will experience signs of what the medical field calls “fail to thrive”.

Those are the signs of a broken spirit, and a broken spirit will cause us to lose hope. Prov. 15:13 says, “A glad heart makes a happy face; bit by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken.”

Prov. 17:22 “A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a persons strength.”

There are more than 120 references using the word hope in the Bible. Listen to Psalm 22:9 (the Psalmist says) But You are He who took Me out of the womb; You made Me hope while on my mother’s breasts.”

There are more than 100 verses telling us that our hope is secure in Our Heavenly Father. He tells us that there is confidence when our hope is put in Him.

My dear saint, the greatest gift we can pass on to others is “God’s Hope”. Never forget to fix your eyes on His Hope and at the same time, help others to move their focus to Him. He will NEVER fail.

So Go To God my dear one, and He will hold you in His arms and calm your heart & spirit with His everlasting words “I will never leave you or forsake you.”


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