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Pastor’s Corner

Public·39 members

Good morning my precious believer. Have you ever had one of those moments where you find yourself questioning. Asking the question “What impact will my life have had on others?” Family members, believers, neighbors, friends, coworkers, etc.

As we celebrated Presidents day yesterday and I read about some of the noble feats of past presidents, & blaring failures of others, I was drawn to think about just how would my life be remembered by others. Then as I read our verse today I was challenged & encouraged. Let’s look at it Prov. 12:7,8 “The wicked die and disappear, but the family of the godly stands firm. A sensible person wins admiration, but a warped mind is despised.”


Wicked - 7a) disappear, leaving

no lasting impact

8b) are despised

Godly - 7b) legacy of blessing

lives on

8a) wins continuing


Well here is our answer and challenge, we must determine to uphold God’s standards in our lives and this will keep us from becoming warped by our world, and will result in blessings to our family as well as many others.

Go with God and He will guide you into a life of richness and blessing.


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