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Pastor’s Corner

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Well we finally made it to Wenatchee so are busy visiting family and preparing for the wedding. Today is the day so will be a busy day.

Well those of you who guessed Madagascar was the country who produced the major source of vanilla were right. Way to go!


Ecclesiastes 11:3 "When clouds are heavy, the rains come down. Whether a tree falls north or south, it stays where it falls."

This verse is presenting two different illustrations of the earth and the ways we learn to receive the future. We can fret over the weather or the possibility of a tree falling or we can be prepared for receiving these certainties.

Rain will come in time so it is good to cover those things that will be damaged from the rain, and prepare for ways to cause crops to grow and be replenished by the water that rain brings.

Also the surrounding trees and mountains, etc. can be seen for the value that they can bring to our life or they can be a reason to controlled by fear.

Rather than looking at the uncontrollable things in life and being overwhelmed with possible harm by them, we should rather learn the benefit of those things in our life and the ways to harness these varied things in our life.

Such as the shade a tree offers, or wood that can provide for warmth in the coming days or supplies it can bring through varied products, posts for fences, wood for building, bringing shelter from the rain, etc.

So in life we can chose to live in fear of the many uncertainties or harness the many benefits of these areas which we cannot control.

These varied things can bring blessings or cursing. This choice is up to us. We should prepare for the challenges of life and look for ways to benefit from them. Rather than fear, be running from or cursing it's inevitable outcome we should look for the potential benefits that they may bring.

In life we can choose to either determine to enjoy, endure, and grow though these uncertainties or we can live in fear of the potential future inevitable calamities.

Choose to live in the care of our God and place our confidence in Him for today's needs. Since these are too large to control learn to enjoy them. It's really up to us as to whether these future concerns will drive us to fear, rather being comforted in Gods love for us and allowing Him to control those large things which are beyond our control in our life.

SO GO WITH GOD For He alone knows what the future holds. He alone can bring control and order to our life, chose to bring order to those things that you can control, and then rest in His loving care for those areas outside of your control.

In other words choose peace, hope, joy over fear, anger, and uncertainty for those choices can either bring blessings or cursing's. As Joshua encourage the nation of Israel to do "Chose Life" it's all our choice.

Go with Him my dear one for that way is filled with blessings, and hope and confidence, yes uncertainties are still present but one greater is on your side.

20 de jan. de 2024

Thank you for this amazing blog and the application from Scripture. Our God is in control.


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