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Pastor’s Corner

Public·39 members


Well you all had some great comments about the banning of fireworks, however the only state that totally bans the use of consumer fireworks is Massachusetts. All the rest have a varied approach to their guidelines.

Thank you for each of your prayer support over our extended trip. Each day was an eye opening adventure. We were reminded of the many blessings that we enjoy in this country, as well as. the beauty that God has graciously enveloped us with in our world. The massive rain forests as well as the ingenious developments that mankind has developed (The Panama Canal).

What a feat that this endeavor was and the great benefit it has brought to the world by saving more than 5,000 miles in traveling through the continents. When we enjoy fresh fruit it is least costly in price it is due to this canal that brings us fruit from other climates that are experiencing summer during our winter season.

Also the amazing, massive, Rain Forest, that surrounds our continent, and the many unique, animals that our world enjoys. The butterfly's, frogs, snakes, monkeys, sloths, etc. etc. that we enjoyed seeing in their own living rooms. WOW!!!


Ecclesiastes 11:8b "... But let them also remember there will be many dark days."

This second part of our verse changes our focus from the joys of our extended days to then reflect on the benefit of times of difficulty in our lives. For the writer reminds us of this fact, life isn't always a rose garden, there are times of struggle but, they will ultimately bring benefit to our lives as we look to our Heavenly Father in trudging through them. He will cause even the dark times to be ribboned with the bright light of His working in our life, as well as, the promise of other days of joy with deep meaningful insights into the future.

You see when we recognize the times of struggle that life brings our way we then have greater joy when times of rejoicing come into our life. We more fully appreciate and enjoy those blessings of life.

This was the attraction that the people in Jesus' day were drawn too when He appeared in His robustness about life, and His love for the people who surrounded him. They were drawn to His very outlook on life, from loving children, caring for the sick and needy, to a driving desire to guide those leaders in ways that could bring blessing and benefit for all who they led.

Solomon is striving to draw us to appreciating the many opportunities of life, the times of light, blessing and joy and also the times of darkness, difficulty and renewal afterwards. Yes, though we may want to forget it, we do have those aches and pains of old age and the process of learning to work through those limitations without being halted.

In the last section of this verse we will address the differences by the choices that we make daily in life.

As a young man I can remember looking on as my Uncle Leonard poured over the Farmers Almanac in determining the forecasted weather of the growing season, and by that deciding the crops he would plant, in the varied areas that he was farming.

The crops in the hills with less moisture content in those areas, and the valleys that were more prone to less sunlight but much more moisture. He would work the land by plowing under the weed and grass growth and fertilizer earlier in the more wet soil in order to allow more time of enrichment for the crops that required more needy preparation and richer care. Like corn, soy beans, etc.

In the same way we need to prepare our days, plan out the challenges that we face and how to best benefit from those results. Our Father knows what the future holds so our looking to Him for guidance is vital. Take out His Almanac (The Bible) and pour over His words for guidance in the crops that we sew throughout our lives. Recognize that there will be times of joy and rejoicing and times of struggle and difficulty, and then set out your course for the best plans to maneuver through these times.

But in all times GO WITH GOD for He loves us and cares for our every period in life, times of joy and times of struggle. He is never surprised by the events that life brings our way. He is ready to guide us through the most joyous times and the greatest times of challenges.

Oh my dear one rest in Him for in those times He will never fail you.

If you have a few moments take time to go to You Tube take a few minutes to let flow through your mind & heart the song sung by Russ Taff- Praise the Lord and let the truths of this song to bolster your life for the day. GO WITH GOD my dear one for He never fails us.

brenda x


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