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Pastor’s Corner

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Way to go everyone you all got the answer right, even though I missed it myself.

Here's another question; What color are taxis in New York? Red; White; Yellow; Blue? Make your guess.


Psalm 31:1-5 "In you, O Lord, I put my trust; Let me never be ashamed; Deliver me in Your righteousness. Bow down Your ear to me, Deliver me speedily; Be my rock of refuge, A fortress of defense to save me, For you are my rock and my fortress; Therefore, for Your name's sake, Lead me and guide me. Pull me out of the net which they have secretly laid me, For You are my strength. Into Your hand I commit my spirit; You have redeemed me, O Lord God of truth."

Have you ever struggled with the powerful fear of being disgraced in front of those who you have developed the desire to be respected by?

Well here in this short segment David verbalizes his fear of that being the case, especially in front of those who are cleverly adept at causing him to be seen as foolish, tricked, and trapped. He in verse 2 asks the Lord to bend near him in order for his request to not be heard by those who would joy in bringing embarrassment to him and His nation.

The request that he desires to quietly whisper to God, for a speedy and invisible solution, so others would not recognize his dilemma. Secondly, he requests for His powerful presence of strength, wisdom, and protection, God being a Rock, so others may not see him being in a helpless, weakened state.

Verse 4 he refers to his embarrassment as caught in a trap as simple as a net, in which if he had been more cautious would have been aware of, but now he is unable to remove himself from.

Have you ever been faced with such an instance? You know, the one where you under normal circumstances would have normally been more cautious, but due to being distracted, you were caught off guard?

I can remember a time when in high school, I was carrying a large box across the sidewalk to place in a petite girls car, and realizing that a whole group of kids were breathlessly watching me, I tripped on the curb and almost dropped the box, and sprang my ankle. But I chose to refuse to favor that ankle, and placed the box in the rear seat as if nothing was wrong.

Or how about the time I had invited a girl from another churches youth group to attend the bands production, where I was playing first seat and also was playing a solo. Then after the concert, the lights in the parking lot were off and I back out at the same time that a boy from our church did and we hit each other in the rear. I never had the nerve to ask her out again even though she made several hints to say that she would like too.

Little did I realize that those times of embarrassment were minor, compared to the future challenges of my other major struggles in life.

SO GO WITH GOD for He will help us to overcome the much greater challenges that you and I face today. He is there our rock, our refuge, our comforter, our deliverer. We must learn the vital lesson of committing our very spirit to Him each day through the greatest satruggles that we may face today, tomorrow, or in the future, HE IS ABLE!!!

Lindsay Winterton
brenda x
brenda x
brenda x
Jul 02




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