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Pastor’s Corner

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Yesterday's question was; Which fruit is eaten the most for breakfast of any fruit. The correct answer was banana's. Just as a few facts about them; There are more than 1,000 types of bananas cultivated throughout the world, some require boiling, roasting, or frying, but most popular in the the U.S. are the Cavendish type which are sweet and can be eaten without cooking. When we were visiting

Central America we saw the fields growing this fruit, the amazing hand of God in their creative wonder.

Here's another brain teaser, Which brand was made famous by this slogan? "Betcha can't eat just one."

Was it Snickers; Kit Kat; Oreo's: or Lays?


Psalm 23:1-3 "The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads my beside still waters. He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness For His name's sake."

This first part of the Psalm emphasizes just how our Heavenly Father cares and protects His people.

He makes every effort to care for our physical, emotional, and yes, even our spiritual needs. He allows for our need to rest (lie down in green pastures), these green pastures are a place of cooling, comforting, and restful, soft surroundings. Can you feel the gentle breeze brushing across your cheeks, the warm sun lavishing its comfort on your back, the sound of birds gently calling out their gentle tones?

Then He makes sure to have our needs for cool. clear water to be provided for. He even provides a place of restoration for our inner soul, a place where our inner wellness is addressed. (He restores my soul) Can you hear the brook beside you babbling its sound of coolness and comfort to your ears? Can you feel the cool air that brushes against your tired weak body?

He as well leads us to the place where righteous people will feel the wholeness, and richness of a life where a proper relationship with Him is upheld and valued. (He leads me in paths of righteousness) Can you hear the gentle encouraging words of blessings sung by the angels, of the goodness that God administers to His children. Of the many times when He says, "Well done you good and faithful servant". The rush of His Spirit through your heart and mind?

He brings us to a place where our lives are surrounded by an atmosphere of loving, caring, people who are being ministered to. Then He makes sure that it in every way all those who are present are given a place of value due to His name, and His children are honored and cared for, not ridiculed, looked down on, or ignored. After all, They are children of the King.

These words are here spoken to remind us of the favored position that we have in Christ. In His mind there is no blessing that is too small or large that should be spared on our behalf. He joys in filling our life with memories of the past, the many blessings that have been sent our way. People who have been His hands and feet in our lives. Can you hear their words, their loving works, their kind care and considerations that you had forgotten?

SO GO WITH GOD my dear child of God, for as we face the struggles of life, He reminds us of His provisions that are being prepared and will be awaiting us. Yes the hardships are many now, but , Oh my dear child these surroundings are thoughtfully being built for you. The battle is harsh, the enemy is brutal, but His place of comfort, rest, care, and love are awaiting you. So enjoy those places today that remind us of these heavenly days yet before us, church family fellowship times, Bible studies with rich care and prayer support, and those believing friends who rest on His matchless works and name. Go in His powerful, administering name to your world, in order that others will experience these joys.

Lindsay Winterton
brenda x




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