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Pastor’s Corner

Public·39 members

Here's a good question. Where would you find an elephant? Here's a good answer, Right where you lost it. Ho Ha Oh, Sorry its Saturday you know. Oh well.

Saturday 3/25

Prov. 29:11 "Fools vent their anger, but the wise quietly hold back."

By the way this book uses 3 different Hebrew words for fool: khesil, Weil, and Nabal. Khesil & ewil are the most commonly used. Nabal is found only three times in Proverbs, while Khesil & Ewil are actually synonymous. These synonymous words describe someone who hates wisdom & seeking for knowlege.

Prov. 1:7 "... fools despise wisdom and discipline."

Prov. 1:22 "...How long will you fools hate knowledge."

Prov. 12:23 "...fools broadcast their foolishness."

Prov. 13:16 "Wise people think before they act; fools don't--and even brag about their foolishness."

Ultimately fools prefer evil, and reject God, and repentance, and always chose folly, with the hope of bringing others down to their level.

Have you noticed the technical term for the inability to speak "dumb" but in reality, we have all know a large number of people who are dumb and yet speak a lot, Right? Have you noticed that, the older & wiser a person becomes, the less that they talk and yet the more they say?

For instance, in Luke 2 the Bible says that Mary was wise beyond her years, and rather than "uttering all her mind," she "kept all these things and pondered them in her heart".

This warning is speaking about the foolishness of allowing our anger to break out in an undisciplined fashion. The undisciplined person is one who allows himself to say or do whatever comes into his mind without weighing the consequences.

While the second phrase speaks to the value of "holding back anger", or allowing reason to be in control.

As a boy I made a deal with my grandfather, to bring broken, salvaged, equipment home and then attempt to determine what about it was broken, and then repair it. If I could bring it back to service & use, then he would put it in the yard for resale & then he would share his profit 50/50.

This was a wise move on his part for many times this equipment he bought was the cost of junk metal, and with a little effort became resaleable equipment, and those who purchased the equipment for pennies on the dollar they became solid customers, and in the mean time I began to become experienced in mechanical repair.

Early on I can remember trying to repair these things, and breaking more than I successfully repaired, sometimes due to it not being repairable, sometimes in my frustration breaking it.

However, as time & experience was given me, with patience, most of those things I took home I was able to bring back into service. In time grandpa's customers began bringing equipment back to him for me to repair.

When I was a teen, I began to post regular hours at his yard and people would leave their equipment in my dad's shop to be repaired. I remember fixing golf carts, and I ended up trading my work in credit for exchange of a broken golf cart for the local golf course, that I used to drive around the yard.

When the problem was to complex for me I found that if I asked Dad to give me some input, we together repared many larger pieces of equipment. One time when we were looking at building a new house on some property my dad owned, the Cat D11 dozer, driver started the process of clearing the land before he should have, he got stuck in the mud, and then he became so angry that he got stuck all the way to the middle of the treadway.

He called my dad & said he was unable to do anymore work until the mechanic could come out from St. Louis, and that would be at the end of the month. Dad & I decided to put our heads together and get the Cat out for our friend, so we brought the old winch truck and put it on some blocks and slowly were able to lift this Cat after detaching the shovel, out of the mud. After about half a day, we called Dads friend and had him start up his Cat and slowly walk it out of the mud.

I learned through all of these experiences the value of the combination of discipline, and patience, and asking God for wisdom. These lessons have brought to life an invaluable tool chest of life solutions. Never give up, don't give into anger, stop, reason out another solution to the problem. This was the life lesson that my Dad & my Heavenly Father invested in my life.

So Go With God for He always has an answer if we will but look to Him for an answer. I learned an invaluable lesson. When you come to the end of your potential solutions; Stop, give time to step outside of your dilemma, calmly "quietly hold back" seek God's answer to the problem, wait on Him, usually the solution to the problem will become open to your mind through His insights.


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