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Well you all guessed right, The first high heel was created originally for men. They were particularly popular popular with kings, nobles, and wealthy powerful leaders. Even today cowboy boots still have low heels which allows for stability while in the saddle, they allowed them to stand up in the saddle, throw a lasso, wield any other weapon.

Here's another question. What year did Apple introduce the first IPOD? 2001; 2004; 2003; 2000?


Psalm 48:3-8 "God himself is in Jerusalem's towers, revealing Himself as its defender. 4 The kings of the earth joined forces and advanced against the city. 5 But when they saw it, they were stunned; they were terrified and ran away. 6 They were gripped with terror and writhed in pain like a woman in labor. 7 You destroyed them like the mighty ships of Tarshish shattered by a powerful east wind. 8 We had heard of its city's glory, but now we have seen it ourselves--the city of the Lord of Heaven's Armies. It is the city of our God; He will make it safe forever. Selah"

Notice what the army's saw, in verse 6 "They were gripped with terror and writhed in pain." Now we may be thinking just what was the reason for this terror? We aren't told just what it was that struck the army, but we do know that it was so powerful that they were struck with fear, and they were even struck with physical pain.

We aren't plainly told why they were so powerfully impacted, but we do know that verse 7&8 two instances are spoken of. The wind that was so strong that the ships of Tarshish were destroyed, these were the worlds first navy fleet, and the intense wind literally destroyed their ships and caused the ships to break up and sink.

We also know that the Bible tells of other times where the glory of God was demonstrated. With Paul he was traveling to ridicule, stone, and attempt to imprison Christians. One day God's glory appeared to Paul so powerfully that he was blinded. Also another time Israel's army appeared against its enemy and the glory of God reflected on their shields so strongly that the enemies army's were blinded so greatly that they ran away. Another time Moses came before God to receive the ten commands and upon him going down the mountain and the reflection of God was so bright that he needed to wear a shroud when he appeared to the people of Israel. Along with several other times, one where Isaiah met God's presence in the temple, and then the mount of Transiguration.

SO GO WITH GOD my annointed one, for He wants to appear in your life and reflect His glory to those people in your life. Those struggling with life's challenges, and then also, those questioning the involvement of God for their need to know Him. May we not only hear of Jesus' stories in the Word, but may we also help them see Him at work in their lives, as well.

Aug 22, 2024



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