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Daily Devotionals

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How You Can Make Your Small Gifts Multiply into Big

For the LORD is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.” Psalm 100:5

Each week, she’d stand at the door, welcoming us in to take our seats. Her name was Anna Mae, and I loved her.

After hearing an album sung by children, an idea sparked in her giving heart: What if I used the empty choir room during Sunday School to gather children and create a choir? She made her idea a reality.

As one of the children in her newly formed choir, every Sunday morning, with excitement to join new friends, and with enthusiasm to learn my part, I couldn't wait to be loved on by Anna Mae.

Today, I can still sing those songs. The sound may be different, but the joy is the same! I am a promise! I am a possibility! I am a great, big bundle of potentiality!

Some in the church didn’t approve of children missing Sunday school to simply learn songs. But they were missing what was truly happening in that upstairs room. Anna Mae was pouring the love of Jesus into our hearts, week after week, through music. My mind soaked in those powerful words created from God’s powerful Word. I began to believe my 10-year-old self had potential and a purpose!

Other songs taught me to follow God’s ways to find His best for my life. I learned to begin each day with praise to Him. Psalm 100, set to music, planted in my heart, taught me how God loves me and He would love me for my entire lifetime: “For the LORD is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations” (Psalm 100:5).

As a young girl, I believed God’s Word and began to listen for and obey His voice. Just as His Word says, God continues to show me He is good, His love endures and His faithfulness reaches all generations.

Today, I’m an Anna Mae of sorts to many little girls, as I pass on the truth of God’s love for them through my writings.

Anna Mae had no training whatsoever in music. She was simply a woman who loved God and shared that love with kids. Without a doubt, I am the woman I am today partly because of her simple gift of love.

What gift do you have to offer to God, even a small gift you could invest in children? Despite what we may think, it doesn’t take a platform or even a position to give a difference-making gift to another. You just never know how God might multiply your own small gift and turn it into big.

Jesus, spark in me today Your thoughts on how a small gift could multiply into big, and then empower me to act on Your idea. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Matthew 17:20, “He said to them, ‘Because of your little faith. For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, “Move from here to there,” and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.’”

Who is one person who has impacted your relationship with Jesus?

How could you have a similar impact on another?

Jo Ann Steward
Jo Ann Steward
Feb 23, 2021

Thank you Betty for sharing.



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