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Pastor’s Corner

Public·40 members


Well I must admit this was a tough one. The stinkiest fruit award goes to the Durian fruit. I only knew of it because a number of students from Bible school were from Southeast Asia and the would receive these as a gift from family in their country. It has a taste like a rich custard, but when it becomes over ripe it smells like rotten onions or raw sewage. Even when it is not yet ripe it still has a bad odor. To enjoy this fruit you have to get past its smell. Way to go Jen you got this one right.

On the lighter side:

What is the difference between ignorance and apathy? Well they answered, I don't know and I don't care. Oh that was bad, sorry for ending the week with this one.

Lindsay Winterton


Way to go everbody, you were all right, in the 50's most stores were closed on Sunday in honor of the need for workers to rest on the Jewish sabbath. Then next came the blue laws where stores were open but only for necessities resulting in the need for a limited number of staff.

Here is another knowledge challenge. What is the stinkiest fruit in the world? Jackfruit; Marang; Durian; Champedeck? If you ask me this one really stinks, Oh I admit that was bad.


Lindsay Winterton


I was wrong yesterday about no one getting the right answer on the number of gallons a camel can drink. Lindsay gave the right answer of 30 gallons, sorry about that Lindsay. Thank all you guys for commenting each day. I hope this little bit of trivia is fun for you.

Heres a new bit of trivia. In the 1950's grocery stores were often closed on what day of the week? Sunday; Tuesday; Thursday; Saturday make a guess.


brenda x
Lindsay Winterton


In answer to yesterdays trivia, Camels can drink 30 gallons in one setting of ten minutes, and live several weeks without drinking. There is a well known myth that they store water in their humps, but actually they store fat in their humps, but they can if needed convert that fat into water under extreme conditions. With this realization you can see why camels even today are the predominant animal desired in arid climates. No one guessed this one correctly, but there were many good guesses.


Psalm 7:3-5 "O Lord my God, if I have done wrong or am guilty of injustice, If I have betrayed a friend or plundered my enemy without cause, then let my enemies capture me. Let them trample me into thr ground and drag my honor in the dust."

Lindsay Winterton


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